
Traumatized cause you saw a dead body? Don’t go home, we need you here!

I've told this story before in my comment history but I figured I'd share here because it really showed me that companies and even people don't care about you. There was a lovely lady who used to work at the grocery store I previously worked at but she had a horrible alcohol problem. She stayed with my family and I until she got back on her feet (we assumed she was sober). She got an apartment across the street from us and wouldn’t leave our place. One day she was a no call/no show at work and my dad found her passed out drunk on the bed in the room she was staying in. We finally kicked her out since she had her own apartment and found hundreds of empty pony bottles of liquor she stashed under the bed. Fast forward a few months, a drug addict moved in with…

I've told this story before in my comment history but I figured I'd share here because it really showed me that companies and even people don't care about you.

There was a lovely lady who used to work at the grocery store I previously worked at but she had a horrible alcohol problem. She stayed with my family and I until she got back on her feet (we assumed she was sober). She got an apartment across the street from us and wouldn’t leave our place.

One day she was a no call/no show at work and my dad found her passed out drunk on the bed in the room she was staying in. We finally kicked her out since she had her own apartment and found hundreds of empty pony bottles of liquor she stashed under the bed.

Fast forward a few months, a drug addict moved in with her and she had another friend who bought alcohol for her. We’ve done all we could do to help her (we being my family and I as well as our friends at work).

One day I was driving to work and saw cops outside of her apartment door and I saw her lying on the concrete. I thought she just fell asleep outside but it turned out she died sometime during the night and I was looking at her dead body. I went into work cause I was in shock and informed all of our friends. Everyone was understandable devastated because we all cared about her and tried to help her as much as we could.

It was finally starting to sink in that I saw someone's body, nonetheless someone that I cared about. It must’ve been showing because of the cashiers came over.

Now a little bit about this cashier is that she tries to act like she's the department manager. She's militant and makes you feel like shit if you don't put in 110% at a grocery store job. To say her only purpose in life was to work at that store is an understatement.

The cashier was also a good friend of the person who passed away. She came over and said “just don’t think about it. we can’t afford for you to go home early.” That has stuck with me ever since and it's been a few years. This person knew I saw a body barely an hour before and I was visibly shaken up but because they were short staffed, that was more important than my well-being.

I knew beforehand that companies didn't care but that experience taught me that even the people around you do not care if they are hypnotized by the place that you work at.

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