
Tried to give my boss my two weeks notice and she loudly announced to the store that todays my last day because I “don’t want to be here anymore”

I’m writing this during my last shift rn because it’s dead and I still have no idea what just happened. I tried to hand my Boss my two weeks notice early today because she’s been cutting my hours and talks to me like a bully. She only gave me 8 hours of work last pay cycle and constantly makes rude comments about my weight, projects I’ve worked on and just my existence in general. I knew the kind of person that she was so I kept my reason for leaving very vague not wanting to start a fight while working. This almost worked but instead resulted in her following me around the store asking me “the real” reason for me leaving while I was helping customers and trying to get work done. She wouldn’t stop following me around and asking me questions and it made me have a panic attack.…

I’m writing this during my last shift rn because it’s dead and I still have no idea what just happened. I tried to hand my Boss my two weeks notice early today because she’s been cutting my hours and talks to me like a bully. She only gave me 8 hours of work last pay cycle and constantly makes rude comments about my weight, projects I’ve worked on and just my existence in general.

I knew the kind of person that she was so I kept my reason for leaving very vague not wanting to start a fight while working. This almost worked but instead resulted in her following me around the store asking me “the real” reason for me leaving while I was helping customers and trying to get work done. She wouldn’t stop following me around and asking me questions and it made me have a panic attack. She asked why I was crying and I said “well it just feels very confrontational right now” and she said “no I’m not being confrontational this is just how normal people communicate, this is a normal conversation”

I didn’t really react while she started telling me how it’s not fair of me and how she made all these accommodations for me (she did not) and that she’s confused because it feels like there’s something else but im hiding it from her. I just continued to listen to her rant while trying to stop having a panic attack myself. But ended up needing to lock myself in the bathroom for a bit to calm down.

I went out for a smoke break while still crying a bit and my boss followed me outside. Asked why I was crying now and I said I was having a panic attack and her response was “well you know what they say about panic attacks?” “It’s your body reacting to you not making the right choices for yourself” and I had to stop myself from laughing and rolling my eyes. She then went on to say that she doesn’t think I’m thinking rationally right now and that she wants to meet up later this week to talk about it again when I’m less likely to make a mistake I’m going to end up regretting.

I’m honestly still in shock about the whole thing and don’t know what to do. I don’t want to go to that meeting and today definitely solidified I made the right choice but maybe I should show up just so I can get everything over with.

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