
Tried to give two weeks notice…

So I work for a large healthcare corporation as a physical therapist. I noticed that a lot of the emphasis was on money made rather than patient care, and was getting tired of having to make decisions that went against my better judgement solely for the purpose of bringing in more money. I didn’t want to burn any bridges with quitting so I looked on my company’s website at our handbook, which said that all clinicians need to give two weeks notice, whereas people in managerial positions need to give more in order to allow time to train their replacement. Cool, understandable. I give my two weeks notice, and am told I’m required to give four weeks. I said that I looked at the handbook that’s online for employees and that it says two. “Well, that’s not the updated handbook” I’m told. My boss’s boss then schedules a meeting with…

So I work for a large healthcare corporation as a physical therapist. I noticed that a lot of the emphasis was on money made rather than patient care, and was getting tired of having to make decisions that went against my better judgement solely for the purpose of bringing in more money. I didn’t want to burn any bridges with quitting so I looked on my company’s website at our handbook, which said that all clinicians need to give two weeks notice, whereas people in managerial positions need to give more in order to allow time to train their replacement. Cool, understandable. I give my two weeks notice, and am told I’m required to give four weeks. I said that I looked at the handbook that’s online for employees and that it says two. “Well, that’s not the updated handbook” I’m told. My boss’s boss then schedules a meeting with me to tell me that “I can’t tell you what to do, but if you only give two weeks notice then your file will report you as non compliant and if you ever want to work for this company again they will pull your file and see you were being unprofessional.” Now, the PT world is a small one and this is a biiiiig company that owns a lot of smaller companies I could potentially want to work for in the future. I had already told my new employer I’d be ready by the end of two weeks notice. I didn’t want to burn any bridges and specifically told my boss’s boss that I looked up the handbook and it only said two weeks notice was necessarily. “Well, we emailed your manager a copy of the new handbook so you should’ve asked for it.” Um, how the fuck was I supposed to know there was a new one?? So I asked what I was supposed to have done in this situation. They couldn’t give me an answer and then deflected by saying “so and so (higher up) knows your future boss and can call him to negotiate your start date.” Um, excuse me?? So they asked if they could call my future boss. I said, “well if you don’t then I’m reported as non compliant and can’t work for this company again, right?” Which was met with a yes. So, against my better judgement, I allowed them to call my future employer. They negotiated three weeks notice. I should note that my future employer contacted me first to make sure it was okay, which I definitely appreciated. I guess I’m writing this post because I’m wondering 1) is this all legal? and 2) can I do anything about it? I feel like this shouldn’t be allowed but maybe I’m wrong

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