
Tried to request off from my job for my mothers 60th Birthday and was denied. Now I won’t even bother requesting in advance.

Bit of a rant: my mother turns 60 this year, and her bday falls on a Sunday. It’s about month out from the date and I request off, expecting no issues as it’s one day and I’ve stated the reason for wanting off. I assumed that by going through the proper channels, everything would be fine. I was wrong. I currently work part time as I am a university student. Whenever I’m not in class, I’m working. This has resulted in highly irregular schedules and lots of early and late shifts (days that begin at 6 and end at 10 are not uncommon). In total I usually clock 30 hours a week, and 25 on a slow week. I was told that since it’s a holiday weekend, the schedule couldn’t be changed. I countered that I hadn’t even been scheduled yet, as schedules are only made 3 weeks in advance.…

Bit of a rant: my mother turns 60 this year, and her bday falls on a Sunday. It’s about month out from the date and I request off, expecting no issues as it’s one day and I’ve stated the reason for wanting off. I assumed that by going through the proper channels, everything would be fine. I was wrong.

I currently work part time as I am a university student. Whenever I’m not in class, I’m working. This has resulted in highly irregular schedules and lots of early and late shifts (days that begin at 6 and end at 10 are not uncommon). In total I usually clock 30 hours a week, and 25 on a slow week.

I was told that since it’s a holiday weekend, the schedule couldn’t be changed. I countered that I hadn’t even been scheduled yet, as schedules are only made 3 weeks in advance. I was then told that I could find someone to cover my shift, but I couldn’t find anyone, plus I’m not a manager and that’s not my job.

My job requires us to request time off on an app called “Workforce.” This has the effect of allowing managers to either approve or reject time off requests without having to explain themselves in person to their employees. You can request off up to three months in advance, but as I’ve seen, even requesting off a month in advance doesn’t help.

What I’ve learned? Now if I want off for an important day, I’m going to call in sick and not go in. I’ve been de-incentivized from using the proper procedure by my management’s stubborn refusal to give me one day off for my mothers birthday.

Congrats management, now I definitely won’t “request” off again for family events.

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