
Trouble in the ranks. Employers are now fighting amongst themselves.

During the last couple years we have been short staffed and overworked (like everyone else). My employers just kept piling on work as our coworkers quit around us (again like so many others). They put up job ads where they are unnecessarily picky, refuse to post salary and waste time of potential applicants. And let the employees they still have struggle under the weight of the workloads. We’ve frequently heard the BS “No one wants to work anymore!” Yesterday there was a company meeting to discuss strategy to get through tax season (Accounting Firm) with all the same clients and 1/3 of the employees from last year. There are 6 partners in the firm. 4 of them are boomers and refuse to change anything. They insist that people will get desperate and come crawling back to them. They are losing clients at an alarming rate because the current staff can’t…

During the last couple years we have been short staffed and overworked (like everyone else). My employers just kept piling on work as our coworkers quit around us (again like so many others).

They put up job ads where they are unnecessarily picky, refuse to post salary and waste time of potential applicants. And let the employees they still have struggle under the weight of the workloads.

We’ve frequently heard the BS “No one wants to work anymore!”

Yesterday there was a company meeting to discuss strategy to get through tax season (Accounting Firm) with all the same clients and 1/3 of the employees from last year.

There are 6 partners in the firm. 4 of them are boomers and refuse to change anything. They insist that people will get desperate and come crawling back to them. They are losing clients at an alarming rate because the current staff can’t keep up with deadlines.

During this meeting the 2 millennial partners got in an argument with the other 4 in front of the whole staff, about the old ways not working anymore and that they needed to update or die out.

Welp, looks like the firm is splitting. And all current employees without hesitation have already chosen where they are going. Not a single employee including the executive assistant that has worked for the boomers for 30 years is staying with them.

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