
When employers ask “So why do you want this job”, “because I need the money” should be a valid answer.

I hate the stigma around the answer of when an employer asks “why do you want this job” or “why should we hire you”. “I need the money” is a valid answer, why else would you be applying for the job? because you enjoy working? and you enjoy the hustle and bustle of an office workspace or factory floor? No? Car payments, mortgages, insurance, medical costs, and etcetera. How is it unprofessional to state that you need the job because you’d rather receive finances than go into overdraft or debt. It’s ridiculous, and it shouldn’t be stigmatised

I hate the stigma around the answer of when an employer asks “why do you want this job” or “why should we hire you”.

“I need the money” is a valid answer, why else would you be applying for the job? because you enjoy working? and you enjoy the hustle and bustle of an office workspace or factory floor? No? Car payments, mortgages, insurance, medical costs, and etcetera. How is it unprofessional to state that you need the job because you’d rather receive finances than go into overdraft or debt.

It’s ridiculous, and it shouldn’t be stigmatised

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