
Truck broke down off the road, management won’t send anyone to get me out of pure incompetence. Trying to get help to the nearest Truck stop.

I had an accident while driving across Nevada, there was a road block so I tried to go around it and then cut back toward the road, but not knowing (because there was no signage) that there was uneven terrain, my front tires fell through some loose surface and slide my truck sideways into some rocks. Luckily it was just a small wreck but right now I am stuck here:,-115.9192645,11z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x80af5658fdd0e9bd:0xc219937177e793b7!8m2!3d40.654274!4d-115.795908!16s%2Fg%2F1tdz9pbf If you look at the link above you'll see that it's on Ruby Crest ranch, I'm not actually on Ruby Crest ranch, but below it on this map about 2 inches or so. I've been here for almost 2 hours now. I immediately followed company procedure and called it in. However, my boss told me due to the time of day, there would be no one to come and get me or the truck. I asked what about the…

I had an accident while driving across Nevada, there was a road block so I tried to go around it and then cut back toward the road, but not knowing (because there was no signage) that there was uneven terrain, my front tires fell through some loose surface and slide my truck sideways into some rocks. Luckily it was just a small wreck but right now I am stuck here:,-115.9192645,11z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x80af5658fdd0e9bd:0xc219937177e793b7!8m2!3d40.654274!4d-115.795908!16s%2Fg%2F1tdz9pbf

If you look at the link above you'll see that it's on Ruby Crest ranch, I'm not actually on Ruby Crest ranch, but below it on this map about 2 inches or so. I've been here for almost 2 hours now.

I immediately followed company procedure and called it in. However, my boss told me due to the time of day, there would be no one to come and get me or the truck. I asked what about the me being stuck, and he told me he would call me back “in a minute”. So, 20 minutes later I get a call from the guy who usually validates our scheduling who's upper management (and not my boss), and he tells me that they can't get anyone to retrieve the truck there tonight, and to leave it there until morning when they can. I said ok, but asked him what about ME, since I am in the middle of the country side with no vehicle, I can't go anywhere. He told me that they are not able to send someone to get me as well, eventually at the end of the conversation, he said he would see what he could do and hung up. Ever since he has never called or answered his phone again.

So as you can see I am stuck below the Ruby Crest Ranch on that map. What I'm trying to do is get to the nearest truck stop so I can maybe hitch a lift from another driver, or at least stay there for awhile until I can get someone to get me tomorrow morning, however, that's not very plausible to do on foot, and the weather is frigid. To see what I mean, check out the weather in Elko, which is above my position but about 25~ miles north:

And the temperature is dropping. You can see that Elko and it's truck stops are north of my position on the map I linked, however on foot (not driving) that is not a reasonable, or safe possibility, and it's also very cold. Lyft/Uber wants $63.28 to take a ride there which I don't have, so I need help in getting to that truck stop.

I can only conclude my company management is neglectful and lazy, and I'm sure there's multiple ways they could have come and got me (and I'm sure people here know many ways too) but they just decided not to do so for some reason. But sadly, I am not of the body type to be waiting here in this weather for too long to play games with bad management, and it's getting late. If they don't answer, then I have no other contacts (except one co-worker but he's asleep right now and usually has his phone off until he wakes up for the morning shift) so I need a solution sooner than later.

Luckily, being a truck driver, people are always hiring. I can easily quit (and WILL) and switch jobs, which is what I'm going to do (and possibly look into some legal actions, list any recommendations) after this, because I would have no reason to continue working for any company that behaves in this manner, especially one that ignores my calls for a job where I am always at risk breaking down in the middle of nowhere (even my direct boss hasn't answered his phone recently too), and when you have options, there's no reason or excuse to stay. I've never experienced such trash management in my life and I've had bad bosses over the years, nothing like this.

So if there's anything to take from this situation to those who view it, being a truck driver isn't for everyone, but if you do choose to, you can easily leave an abusive company and get a comparable job quickly anytime. That's one of the benefits, and I figured for a sub like this that may be something to think about (outside of just having enough to not work at all, which is preferred). Of course you can also end up stuck like me right now too, you have to take the bad with the good.

However, I still have the issue of needing some ideas or help to get to that truck stop from where I'm stuck at, if anyone has any or can help in some way with the lyft/uber, I appreciate it.

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