
true antiwork spirit

Finally I've done it! After so many nay sayers on here saying I needed certain qualifications and skills to obtain a bs office job, I've done such without achieving any of these things! Realistically I only have about two hours of actual work a day within my eight hour schedule The two hours are basically documenting papers, photocopying and scanning them. The rest of the six hours I just play RuneScape or some other dumb game on my phone. Sometimes I just “work” ten hour shifts for the OT pay. Unfortunately this position is only temporary until April/May and I've had it since October; for now I'm just going to enjoy it and let the checks come in for doing absolutely nothing! PS: Prior to this I worked in the food service/ restaurant industry and fuck that, you get little pay for maximum work and dealing with stupid bullshit from…

Finally I've done it! After so many nay sayers on here saying I needed certain qualifications and skills to obtain a bs office job, I've done such without achieving any of these things! Realistically I only have about two hours of actual work a day within my eight hour schedule The two hours are basically documenting papers, photocopying and scanning them. The rest of the six hours I just play RuneScape or some other dumb game on my phone. Sometimes I just “work” ten hour shifts for the OT pay. Unfortunately this position is only temporary until April/May and I've had it since October; for now I'm just going to enjoy it and let the checks come in for doing absolutely nothing!

PS: Prior to this I worked in the food service/ restaurant industry and fuck that, you get little pay for maximum work and dealing with stupid bullshit from everyone including coworkers to customers. I don't understand how I am getting paid more for doing a bs office job then when I was actually working hard in the kitchen. The value of labor or society places on one another is messed up. I'm just happy I was able to beat the curb this one time. I hope other people can escape from working dreaded ass jobs, or at the very least be properly compensated!

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