
Trying to refuse overtime while keeping my job

Hey r/antiwork, I could really use some advice here: I'm a carpenter, and the company I work for doesn't have “mandatory overtime” (they say), but lately they've started expecting us to work it at the drop of a hat, without any notice, nearly every day. I've got a family, and don't see the need to sacrifice my real life just so the bosses can get ahead of schedule and get their bonuses (which us field guys never see). The best idea I've come up with to take my time back is to email HR, saying something to the effect of “effective immediately, due to an unforeseen family situation, I'll no longer be able to work outside of the hours which I agreed to when hired (7:00-3:30) until further notice”. Is there a way they could legally fire me for this? Would I have recourse if they did? I'm tired of…

Hey r/antiwork, I could really use some advice here:

I'm a carpenter, and the company I work for doesn't have “mandatory overtime” (they say), but lately they've started expecting us to work it at the drop of a hat, without any notice, nearly every day.

I've got a family, and don't see the need to sacrifice my real life just so the bosses can get ahead of schedule and get their bonuses (which us field guys never see). The best idea I've come up with to take my time back is to email HR, saying something to the effect of “effective immediately, due to an unforeseen family situation, I'll no longer be able to work outside of the hours which I agreed to when hired (7:00-3:30) until further notice”.

Is there a way they could legally fire me for this? Would I have recourse if they did? I'm tired of barely seeing the people I care for just to make more money for a company that doesn't seem to give a damn for its employees.

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