
Turned Down my Only Offer

I was laid off about two months ago and just received my first offer from Archer Aviation. Just turned it down with no backups and no clue how I'm going to pay rent in a month or two. I'll be honest I did it partly out of anger. They were clearly trying to take advantage of me being laid off and I made it clear that I'm nobody's slave. Anyone else ever do this? How did it pan out in the end?

I was laid off about two months ago and just received my first offer from Archer Aviation. Just turned it down with no backups and no clue how I'm going to pay rent in a month or two. I'll be honest I did it partly out of anger. They were clearly trying to take advantage of me being laid off and I made it clear that I'm nobody's slave. Anyone else ever do this? How did it pan out in the end?

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