
Two jobs, six day work week, defeated.

Pretty much what the title says, I hate both my jobs and only drag myself to them six days week to JUST keep up with my bills. I don’t participate in hustle culture, humans weren’t put in earth to work until we die a miserable death. I’m frustrated, burned out and severely depressed because all I do is work. My one day off is spent cleaning, shopping for the week, and sleeping as much as possible before work inevitably comes again. My existence is pointless, I’m a cog in someone else’s machine. I’ve had many jobs and hated every single one. I wrestle with guilt over being lazy and thinking if I’m poor after all this I must not be working hard enough! Brainwashing, that’s where those thoughts come from. Just needed to vent a bit to get through yet another meaningless day at work.

Pretty much what the title says, I hate both my jobs and only drag myself to them six days week to JUST keep up with my bills. I don’t participate in hustle culture, humans weren’t put in earth to work until we die a miserable death. I’m frustrated, burned out and severely depressed because all I do is work. My one day off is spent cleaning, shopping for the week, and sleeping as much as possible before work inevitably comes again. My existence is pointless, I’m a cog in someone else’s machine. I’ve had many jobs and hated every single one. I wrestle with guilt over being lazy and thinking if I’m poor after all this I must not be working hard enough! Brainwashing, that’s where those thoughts come from.
Just needed to vent a bit to get through yet another meaningless day at work.

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