
Two week resignation

Kind of wanted to hear everyone’s input. Yesterday I put in my two week notice at my. I, surprisingly , was told to give up my badge, work phone and basically told I was to stay off the premises by my manager and my market director. However they promised I would be paid out for my next two weeks anyways until 6/7/23 and I would receive my normal commission check. I however did not receive this in writing and was just verbally told this information. I sent an email to my manager, market director and HR stating I would require written confirmation of this and if I did not receive it within 24 hours, I would be filing for unemployment. Was this the right move? This is not the same process that has happened in the past with other employees that gave their two week notice at the company and…

Kind of wanted to hear everyone’s input. Yesterday I put in my two week notice at my. I, surprisingly , was told to give up my badge, work phone and basically told I was to stay off the premises by my manager and my market director. However they promised I would be paid out for my next two weeks anyways until 6/7/23 and I would receive my normal commission check. I however did not receive this in writing and was just verbally told this information. I sent an email to my manager, market director and HR stating I would require written confirmation of this and if I did not receive it within 24 hours, I would be filing for unemployment. Was this the right move? This is not the same process that has happened in the past with other employees that gave their two week notice at the company and I have not had any disciplinary actions happen against me at the company. I am afraid they’re just going to say that I just never came back to work and not pay me since I never had any written agreement and was just told this verbally so I felt requesting a written confirmation was the right move. Thanks in advance for any advice and responses.

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