
ugh.. back to the drawing board again..

Hi. I need to vent. I worked at an e-commerce brand since October. It was a great place to work for a while, and I actually felt confident in it. Then my personal life kinda turned a bit. Shit got so chaotic, I actually reached out to HR to see my options. Maybe even to get a hybrid option of working, seeing as 90% of the business works from home, didn't think it was a big deal to ask. They gave me some paperwork for my doctor to fill out, and only gave me a week to do so, right before Christmas. So obviously, I couldn't get in in time. My sup suggested I tell them the issue hasn't gone away, so the communication line isn't dropped. I do so, and I get a request for a meeting within 15min with HR. I warned them that I was frustrated and…

Hi. I need to vent.

I worked at an e-commerce brand since October. It was a great place to work for a while, and I actually felt confident in it.

Then my personal life kinda turned a bit. Shit got so chaotic, I actually reached out to HR to see my options. Maybe even to get a hybrid option of working, seeing as 90% of the business works from home, didn't think it was a big deal to ask.

They gave me some paperwork for my doctor to fill out, and only gave me a week to do so, right before Christmas. So obviously, I couldn't get in in time. My sup suggested I tell them the issue hasn't gone away, so the communication line isn't dropped. I do so, and I get a request for a meeting within 15min with HR.

I warned them that I was frustrated and I might curse, out of respect. They said okay, so I explained to them the update of things, and the word Fuck slipped out. One of the reps starts talking down to me, and I simply asked her to speak to me with respect, as an equal adult not her child. She took high offense to all of that as a whole, and insinuated I was cursing AT her, and she left the meeting.

I went to my sup to let him know I wanted to go home due to the interaction, then his sup stopped us and talked to me in a conference room, saying that HR rep was going thru the ranks with the situation, even so far as saying I was unnecessarily aggressive toward her.

Then, next day they were bringing up a “final write up” — mind you, I've NEVER had a write up before this. I got emotional again, and excused myself so I wouldn't have another person have ability to try and say I was aggressive. I even told her to send me the write up, and apologized for stepping out so suddenly, AND EXPLAINED WHY… Nope. Was sent home to wait for a call on that following Monday. That manager was saying “we will get this situated and you can come back Tuesday, ready to go.”

Welp, yesterday was that Monday. And I was terminated. Because HR got offended for me asking to be spoken to as an adult, and a small -fuck-.

Jesus Christ…

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