
unabashed ass kissing even when the company gives you nothing *rant*

This is just a rant about how people in corporate America continue to boot lick, even when it alienates coworkers and doesn't improve anything about their position in the company. My somewhat new coworker is an admin (I'm a step above his title, but still pretty lowly). From what I understand, he's had some better positions that paid more, but he became dissatisfied and quit a previous job. He's middle-aged. Evvveryone loves this coworker. He recently won an award for his sparkling attitude. When a coworker gave the award and read his praise, she remarked how great his favorite catch phrase is, which is “I got this family!” Family. Uck. Recently, I was sitting at my desk, when a coworker of a more senior level asked me for a marker. Admin coworker immediately flipped his drawer open and brandished his stash of markers – “this one? “like that one?” Senior…

This is just a rant about how people in corporate America continue to boot lick, even when it alienates coworkers and doesn't improve anything about their position in the company.

My somewhat new coworker is an admin (I'm a step above his title, but still pretty lowly). From what I understand, he's had some better positions that paid more, but he became dissatisfied and quit a previous job. He's middle-aged.

Evvveryone loves this coworker. He recently won an award for his sparkling attitude. When a coworker gave the award and read his praise, she remarked how great his favorite catch phrase is, which is “I got this family!”

Family. Uck.

Recently, I was sitting at my desk, when a coworker of a more senior level asked me for a marker. Admin coworker immediately flipped his drawer open and brandished his stash of markers – “this one? “like that one?” Senior coworker said “no, I need a really thick marker.” He replied, “Oh I'll get you one! there's probably some in the supply cabinet!” She replied, “oh, that's ok – I can get it myself.” Him: “Oh no, I got this! let me get it for you.” Her: “No, that's okay – I can get it.” Him: “no really! I could use the walk!” *puke*

On top of that, he's started usurping tasks that I do for my direct reports. He wrote an email to a different coworker today, and it eventually found its way to me. He said he was going to take on a task for a superior because I was working from home today (?) – which, working from home doesn't prevent me from doing my job. So now he's snatching tasks that are a part of my job to make himself look good.

And if I ever say anything that might in any remote way reflects badly on the company, he will literally put his hands up in a defensive posture and say something like “hey man, I dunno! I'm just here to work!”

I recently brought up the huge number of empty positions on our website for his role, – just said there were a crazy number of openings – and he reacted just how I described.

But again, people seem to LOVE him. How do I deal with this person, plz some advice.

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