
Unaddressed harassment forced me into my mid-life crisis

The story: I'm a near middle aged millennial. I work for a 10k+ employer. I've been there since 2011. I was sexually harassed by a colleague in Sept of last year. Reported it to HR which claims to have “addressed” the situation. However the person is still in their position. Call me crazy, but I'm not comfortable engaging with the person who violated the law, workplace policy, and me & my trust. Thus I get removed from all the meetings, conversations, and opportunities that also involve this person. These are subjects in which I have expertise, experience, and issues I have researched for months. They were part of my job-satisfaction. The response was “No thanks, we got it from here.” I've requested that he or I be removed from the environment and was not obliged. I've asked my direct leadership for help and their only suggestion was to 1) help…

The story: I'm a near middle aged millennial. I work for a 10k+ employer. I've been there since 2011. I was sexually harassed by a colleague in Sept of last year. Reported it to HR which claims to have “addressed” the situation. However the person is still in their position. Call me crazy, but I'm not comfortable engaging with the person who violated the law, workplace policy, and me & my trust. Thus I get removed from all the meetings, conversations, and opportunities that also involve this person. These are subjects in which I have expertise, experience, and issues I have researched for months. They were part of my job-satisfaction. The response was “No thanks, we got it from here.” I've requested that he or I be removed from the environment and was not obliged. I've asked my direct leadership for help and their only suggestion was to 1) help me with my resume and 2) make me responsible for addressing the hostile environment. This all happened over the course of 6ish months.

This environment is hostile. The compounding instances of exclusion and being maligned for not communicating to a colleague sent me into a mental breakdown. I've been on short term disability for a while and hade my return to work conversations. I begged for help and changes and it's still not happening.

The only viable option I have seems to leave but I'm dependent upon my feudal lord for insurance. I'm absolutely devastated & lost. I don't know what to do from here. I'm not hopeful for any of the legal avenues I'm exploring. The job market looks like a passionless hellscape. I hope to start participating in labor organizing but my mental is still in repair right now. I'm active with my Drs getting a handle on it. I've been trying to find a support group and career counselor but am not having luck.

So here I am screaming into the void. I'm If anyone has any resources, suggestions… 9th level spells. I'm all ears.

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