
Unbelievable Job Interview

A law firm invited me for an interview as a Payroll Specialist. I waited 30 minutes, but was greeted and told it would be another 10 minutes with no reason. Still nothing. I left the office and suddenly received emails from the Owner apologizing saying he had a medical emergency. That’s fine, although sounded a little suspicious because of how quick his emails were. I came back with him knowing that I had other interviews and made him wait for hours because he was not my only interview for that day. I told him that I’ll return to the office after my interviews because he claims it was a medical emergency. During his interview, I felt so confused because I was getting mixed messages between hiring me and not knowing if my personality type would be a good fit for the job type and the employees within the company because…

A law firm invited me for an interview as a Payroll Specialist. I waited 30 minutes, but was greeted and told it would be another 10 minutes with no reason. Still nothing. I left the office and suddenly received emails from the Owner apologizing saying he had a medical emergency. That’s fine, although sounded a little suspicious because of how quick his emails were.
I came back with him knowing that I had other interviews and made him wait for hours because he was not my only interview for that day. I told him that I’ll return to the office after my interviews because he claims it was a medical emergency.
During his interview, I felt so confused because I was getting mixed messages between hiring me and not knowing if my personality type would be a good fit for the job type and the employees within the company because I’m not boring? Something about being unable to put innocence in a box? Being here would be challenge? I felt so unwelcomed and yet, they hired me? Tax season is next month and their Payroll person is leaving in two days?
I found out that they have a contract and an NDA where they do not allow employees to work for other jobs, even when it does not conflict with the NDA or hours… just completely glossed over it during the interview. The only question that he asked was if I was able to perform the job before insulting my personality… without even knowing who I am? Wtf Haha Why not just tell me that I am not pretty too?

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