
Unbelievably scummy Christmas Gift

So I was working at a hospital repairing some equipment, and was talking to the guy who runs the equipment. And i felt so bad for how hard I laughed when he told me this. He told me every year, all employees at this particular hospital (in chicago) get a gift card to some store or restaurant, which varies year to year. A week before they get this “gift” their paycheck is deducted the value of the gift card… this place charges them for their own Christmas gift. It get's even worse once you realize two things. 1. Taking cash and turning it into money for a single place makes it inherently less valuable. And 2. If you buy gift cards in bulk, you never pay the full cash value for the card. So this hospital takes money, changes it into something less valuable, gives it back as a gift,…

So I was working at a hospital repairing some equipment, and was talking to the guy who runs the equipment. And i felt so bad for how hard I laughed when he told me this. He told me every year, all employees at this particular hospital (in chicago) get a gift card to some store or restaurant, which varies year to year. A week before they get this “gift” their paycheck is deducted the value of the gift card… this place charges them for their own Christmas gift. It get's even worse once you realize two things.
1. Taking cash and turning it into money for a single place makes it inherently less valuable.
And 2. If you buy gift cards in bulk, you never pay the full cash value for the card.

So this hospital takes money, changes it into something less valuable, gives it back as a gift, then pockets the profit. Un-fucking-believable.

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