
underpaid and overworked employee – I wonder if my current job will have its comeuppance

I’m the type of worker who goes by the book and gets everything done efficiently and on time. I have no time for bullshit and office politics so I don’t make friends at work. I don't care about this people. I'm here to work and for the money and go home. In mid 2021, I took up this job after a gap year. I initially planned to finish my master’s degree but due to covid and lack of motivation I dropped out. (In between looking for jobs, I picked up my hobby as an artist and started working on my portfolio and posting art online.) I was hired as a salaried quality control engineer working 9-5. I have about 4 year experience in this role before and the job itself wasn’t too bad. I’m getting paid at the low end but I don’t really have a choice. I need money…

I’m the type of worker who goes by the book and gets everything done efficiently and on time. I have no time for bullshit and office politics so I don’t make friends at work. I don't care about this people. I'm here to work and for the money and go home.

In mid 2021, I took up this job after a gap year. I initially planned to finish my master’s degree but due to covid and lack of motivation I dropped out. (In between looking for jobs, I picked up my hobby as an artist and started working on my portfolio and posting art online.)

I was hired as a salaried quality control engineer working 9-5. I have about 4 year experience in this role before and the job itself wasn’t too bad. I’m getting paid at the low end but I don’t really have a choice. I need money to survive and this is the only place that hired me after the first interview.

All is well during the first 6 months. I did my job and left. I was the only person in this department and I report directly to the general manager. I have no micromanager breathing behind me. (thank the fucking god for that)

Friction started when other departments started to not even do the bare minimum of their jobs. I get it, work suck but these people dragged their feet to get things done. In short, production are delayed. My work is severely affected since I can’t do my job if their part is not done. I had to stay 2-3 hours OT (unpaid) just to finish my work when it could have been done earlier if they did their part of the bargain. This happened multiple times and almost every day. I sent out courtesy emails to these people if things are going to be late so I can go to work late. They keep saying they will be on time but no, things are still delayed. I am beyond annoyed and frustrated at this point. I had to travel 2-3 hours to go to work and deal with this BS.

Being diligent, I report the subsequent incidents to the general manager and CC’ed the manager and supervisor of the departments. They were pissed. They started making my job harder by scheduling impossible tasks concurrently. Being efficient, I still manage to get everything done. I got snark remarks of “good job” and some BS like that. (insert Daenerys fake smile here). I’ve also heard that they’ve been using g/ay slurs when they talk about me behind my back. (Be careful, hell hath no fury like a slightly inconvenienced ho/mo/se/xual)

Three months later, the GM told us that they are expanding production which meant this would add more workload for me. I asked him that I need more people in my department since I’m the only one doing all the work. Plus, there is no check and balances with my work since the person checking me is not even an engineer or has the background knowledge to approve my work. He said that he’ll work on it. (yeah, right)

Now, expansion came and no help was hired. I am swamped with work and the other department heads are still antagonizing me with passive-aggressiveness and making my work life even miserable. I shrugged it off because I don’t let that affect me at the slightest. I clapped back with my sass and sarcasm and a dash of interdepartmental legal sabotage like misplacing things and waiting last minute to do tasks. I haven’t gotten in trouble (yet!) just angry stares.

Last week, I asked the GM if they are planning to hire more people in my department. I can’t possibly work at this pace with a massive workload. Plus, if I get sick, what are they going to do? I am the only one who knows how some of the equipment work and perform calibrations. He just brushed me off. And then, I asked for a substantial raise and he said that I’ll have to wait for my performance review. I just smirked and left. I have a plan. A plan that’s been brewing for weeks.

They have an FDA inspection coming up next month. And for the past few weeks, I started compiling possible violations that can lead them to warnings and worse, maybe close down. I want to be petty and watch the place implode from the inside. I have no pity for these people.

I’ve seen people falsifying data to pass tests and breaking safety protocols. There are much worse violations but it could be an identifying factor for me.

Anyway, I will be sending a resignation email at 8AM Monday. The GM just assigned me a big project on top of my daily work so F that. They also have production scheduled next week to hit their output goals. No one is trained to do my job. So I guess we’ll see~

PS: I have no backup plan at the moment. My side hustle as an artist is starting to come off the ground. If they want me for a couple of weeks, I’ll probably do it for 2-3x the HOURLY rate to train my replacement. And maybe, if they’re still in business, I’ll do an anonymous report to the FDA.

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