
UnExcused absence/tardy at work

Hello! I’m new here and to Reddit in general. A friend recommended I post here for some help. I work in a call center taking health insurance phone calls. I have an important doctor appointment coming up in 4 weeks. I am currently in training again because I’m being moved to a new department. On the date of the appointment I will be out of training and in nesting taking calls. I reached out to my supervisor today to let her know about the tardy and what do I need to do in order to have it excused. I told her I would have the doctors note and be calling our attendance line in accordance with our attendance policy. She let me know that the tardy will not be excused even with a doctors note. What should I do, where do I go from here? I’ve looked at our attendance…

Hello! I’m new here and to Reddit in general. A friend recommended I post here for some help. I work in a call center taking health insurance phone calls. I have an important doctor appointment coming up in 4 weeks. I am currently in training again because I’m being moved to a new department. On the date of the appointment I will be out of training and in nesting taking calls. I reached out to my supervisor today to let her know about the tardy and what do I need to do in order to have it excused. I told her I would have the doctors note and be calling our attendance line in accordance with our attendance policy. She let me know that the tardy will not be excused even with a doctors note. What should I do, where do I go from here? I’ve looked at our attendance policy and the policy says I need to let my supervisor know and then they would submit for approval, but that’s not what the sup says. Should I contact hr and ask for it to be approved? What is within my rights? I am gonna be more research as to what state laws are for this kinda thing for the state my company is based out of, Arizona, but I am located in SC working from home. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. ️

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