
Unfair work “awards”?

I feel like everyone here is pretty fair and levelheaded – will you tell me if I'm overreacting? The owner's at my work want to do company awards for the end of the year. There's 9 different awards for things like attendance and best paperwork, etc. And they're having us all vote for an employee for each category, and the winners get gift cards. The only thing is that there's 24 technicians to our 5 office staff. So this means all 9 awards and gift cards are 100% going to a technician because there's a majority and they only work with each other. Not to mention that the office staff does all of the award categories daily, as to make the company function, but the technicians don't see it because they aren't involved in the backend. Even for things like attendance – we have a strict 8.5 hour day as…

I feel like everyone here is pretty fair and levelheaded – will you tell me if I'm overreacting?

The owner's at my work want to do company awards for the end of the year. There's 9 different awards for things like attendance and best paperwork, etc. And they're having us all vote for an employee for each category, and the winners get gift cards.

The only thing is that there's 24 technicians to our 5 office staff. So this means all 9 awards and gift cards are 100% going to a technician because there's a majority and they only work with each other. Not to mention that the office staff does all of the award categories daily, as to make the company function, but the technicians don't see it because they aren't involved in the backend. Even for things like attendance – we have a strict 8.5 hour day as to keep the office open. The technicians can come and go if they finish their tasks early (instead of, yknow, cleaning our warehouse or something). We aren't able to do that.

Is this silly to be so upset about? It's also the fact that we're the one's assigned to create the voting sheets, pass them out, and collect them, make the award papers, etc. and then knowing not a single one of the office staff has a chance to win because we're the minority and there's a clear disconnect between the office and field work? Is it then the owner's responsibility to have thought about this and made it fair?

Idk… maybe it's early in the morning and I'm overreacting, but please let me know. It's not about the money or the award, but just being acknowledged.

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