
Union Contract Screws Me Over

Our union just voted in a new contract and it looks like I got the worst pay increase (percentage) out of all the “steps”. They advertised the “5.8%” average, but I'm only getting 3.2%. There are no increases in the current contract that will get me to the 5.8% (or anywhere near it). Apparently enough people are making more than this 5.8% to vote it in, but it really sucks for those of us on the leftover steps. Are there any ways to complain about this situation, or am I just screwed and have to take it?

Our union just voted in a new contract and it looks like I got the worst pay increase (percentage) out of all the “steps”. They advertised the “5.8%” average, but I'm only getting 3.2%. There are no increases in the current contract that will get me to the 5.8% (or anywhere near it). Apparently enough people are making more than this 5.8% to vote it in, but it really sucks for those of us on the leftover steps.

Are there any ways to complain about this situation, or am I just screwed and have to take it?

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