
Unionize! And be relentless!

Bonjour and welcome! I'm from Belgium and I will tell you about the amazing power that unions can provide for the citizens of your country. You see, here in Belgium we have this thing called the automatic wage indexation. We have this thanks to our unions. But what is automatic wage indexation? In short: inflation goes up > prices rise > automatic indexation reaches a certain threshold > the wages of everybody in the country rise by 2% Why does it exist? Because this way our corporate overlords do not hold sway over our living situation. It exists so that no matter how much inflation there is, we can be relatively sure that we can maintain the same standard of living as before the inflation. Last year it got triggered 5 times, for a total of 10%. Imagine not getting those 10%. That's a huge cut in your budget, solely…

Bonjour and welcome!
I'm from Belgium and I will tell you about the amazing power that unions can provide for the citizens of your country.

You see, here in Belgium we have this thing called the automatic wage indexation. We have this thanks to our unions.

But what is automatic wage indexation?
In short: inflation goes up > prices rise > automatic indexation reaches a certain threshold > the wages of everybody in the country rise by 2%

Why does it exist?
Because this way our corporate overlords do not hold sway over our living situation. It exists so that no matter how much inflation there is, we can be relatively sure that we can maintain the same standard of living as before the inflation.

Last year it got triggered 5 times, for a total of 10%. Imagine not getting those 10%. That's a huge cut in your budget, solely due to the rising inflation and rising cost of living.

As far as I know, Luxembourg and Belgium are the only countries who have this system (feel free to correct me) and that's absolutely insane.
And yes, there are people who are against it. Mainly people high up the ladder of a company. But fuck them. Fuck this capitalist system. If you can't pay your workers a living wage but you can give huge bonuses to CEO's, managers, directors and pay huge dividends to stockholders : fuck you.
The workers are not the problem. They literally create the wealth that those greedy fucks are taking for themselves and are handing out to their friends.

If you're not unionized you're doing it wrong.
Unionize today! Be there for every strike and rally to remind those greedy fucks that it's the workers who are a necessity to a thriving business and not them!

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