
Unionizing my workplace

I work at a multibillion dollar company that builds tech parts. For the most part this is a good job. Except lately the ceo has been interfering. And it hasn't been a good thing. The disconnect from what they want made to what actually goes on the floor is so vast. My coworkers and I have spoken and we are interested in unionizing. I called and spoke to a representative who says they think they can represent us today. And now I'm nervous as all get out. I need some encouragement. Thing is, most of us actually like our jobs. We rock at it too. We just want better treatment from the higher ups and possibly better pay.

I work at a multibillion dollar company that builds tech parts. For the most part this is a good job. Except lately the ceo has been interfering. And it hasn't been a good thing. The disconnect from what they want made to what actually goes on the floor is so vast. My coworkers and I have spoken and we are interested in unionizing. I called and spoke to a representative who says they think they can represent us today. And now I'm nervous as all get out. I need some encouragement. Thing is, most of us actually like our jobs. We rock at it too. We just want better treatment from the higher ups and possibly better pay.

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