
unions are awsome

People who say unions do nothing but promote laziness must not have kids or a mortgage or bills that don't stop if you lose your job. I've always worked hard and always tried my best. On top of made sure to kiss the right asses. No matter what there has always been an ever present feeling of dread. Say one wrong thing or catch your boss on a bad day or at the wrong time and your fired. To much power in the hands of one person. The thing that a union did for me above all else. Was eliminate unnecessary stress in my life. not completely, because I always worry It's just how I am. but now at least I'm not in a constant state of unease. It really is wonderful.

People who say unions do nothing but promote laziness must not have kids or a mortgage or bills that don't stop if you lose your job. I've always worked hard and always tried my best. On top of made sure to kiss the right asses. No matter what there has always been an ever present feeling of dread. Say one wrong thing or catch your boss on a bad day or at the wrong time and your fired. To much power in the hands of one person.

The thing that a union did for me above all else. Was eliminate unnecessary stress in my life. not completely, because I always worry It's just how I am. but now at least I'm not in a constant state of unease. It really is wonderful.

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