
Unions. Protests. Strikes. LOL

Union activity is no longer protected and subject to liability. The owner class doesn’t want to hear it. Protests are time consuming, expensive for participants, and dangerous. The people responsible for so much misery are mostly anonymous, hidden, and well protected. You’ll never have access to them, so persuading them directly isn’t viable. This might sound unrelated, but there’s an idea from Fight Club expressed as something like “the things you own end up owning you.” It’s because, once you’ve accumulated vast assets, you develop a desire to protect them. Certain powerful, bad faith actors in our world have decided they want to extract as much as they can from the majority. It just so happens, they have a lot of assets, just sitting there, out in the open.

Union activity is no longer protected and subject to liability. The owner class doesn’t want to hear it. Protests are time consuming, expensive for participants, and dangerous.

The people responsible for so much misery are mostly anonymous, hidden, and well protected. You’ll never have access to them, so persuading them directly isn’t viable.

This might sound unrelated, but there’s an idea from Fight Club expressed as something like “the things you own end up owning you.” It’s because, once you’ve accumulated vast assets, you develop a desire to protect them.

Certain powerful, bad faith actors in our world have decided they want to extract as much as they can from the majority. It just so happens, they have a lot of assets, just sitting there, out in the open.

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