
Unity, Family, and Teamwork

Today was the start. I am putting my words into actions. I spoke about the importance of teamwork in today's economy not too long ago in a reddit live in r/antiwork. I believe it's far more difficult to make ir on your own nowadays because of how ridiculously expensive everything has become. I have moved into a home with my closest friend, and my girlfriend (his girlfriend may be moving in aswell). We will be working together to become free from the monotony of everyday life. We want the freedom to do whatever we want. Financial freedom. We all desire to strengthen our minds, bodies, and souls. The most difficult part in all of this so far has been finding people with the same mindset. People who I genuinely can trust. The heart of man is wicked. If anyone is interested, I will update every 3 months on our journey.…

Today was the start. I am putting my words into actions. I spoke about the importance of teamwork in today's economy not too long ago in a reddit live in r/antiwork. I believe it's far more difficult to make ir on your own nowadays because of how ridiculously expensive everything has become. I have moved into a home with my closest friend, and my girlfriend (his girlfriend may be moving in aswell). We will be working together to become free from the monotony of everyday life. We want the freedom to do whatever we want. Financial freedom. We all desire to strengthen our minds, bodies, and souls.

The most difficult part in all of this so far has been finding people with the same mindset. People who I genuinely can trust. The heart of man is wicked. If anyone is interested, I will update every 3 months on our journey. My hope is that we are successful so that I can spread everything I have learned. I am not sure if it's best to update this post, or to make new posts every 3 months. I look forward to the future. I am tired of feeling hopless, it's time to change that.

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