
Unpaid wages for over a month

My partner works for a large scale green energy company. At the beginning of the year the company switched from using ADP to Paylocity for payroll. Since doing so every single check my partner has got, has been incorrect in terms of hours paid, taxes taken out, he was even charged for per diem that was supposed to be given to him. Obviously he immediately brought it up and was told it wasn’t just him but the whole company is having trouble getting everyone’s checks right. He was reassured that he would get what he was owed on his next check. Even though we needed the money asap he didn’t want to cause an issue and decided to wait. Skip to next check, the money owed to him is still not there, AND the check is completely wrong again. Missing almost 40 hours of overtime pay, getting charged state taxes…

My partner works for a large scale green energy company. At the beginning of the year the company switched from using ADP to Paylocity for payroll. Since doing so every single check my partner has got, has been incorrect in terms of hours paid, taxes taken out, he was even charged for per diem that was supposed to be given to him. Obviously he immediately brought it up and was told it wasn’t just him but the whole company is having trouble getting everyone’s checks right. He was reassured that he would get what he was owed on his next check. Even though we needed the money asap he didn’t want to cause an issue and decided to wait. Skip to next check, the money owed to him is still not there, AND the check is completely wrong again. Missing almost 40 hours of overtime pay, getting charged state taxes for a state he doesn’t live or work in, etc. Once again he is told the remedy will be fixed on the next check. Today, my partner gets paid. He wakes up to see that his check is almost $3k less than it was supposed to be with all the backpay. Still no action to fix this insanity. This is financially hurting our family big time, we live in a big city, our rent is insane, we have kids and medical expenses that are horrific rn. We need that money. I told him to report it to our states WHD in Texas but he’s worried they will fire him if he goes that route and honestly I don’t doubt that they would. He really can’t afford to be fired but also can’t afford to not have this money. The issue that I find absolutely mind boggling is that this isn’t just him, this is happening to majority of the 500+ employees and nothing is being done about it. No one in the main office is answering calls or just tells people to call their supervisor, which my partner is one of the supervisors and he hasn’t been given ANY information on how to explain this situation aside from tell people to “sit tight”. I feel like this could put the company in massive trouble but everyone is afraid to take it outside the company in fear of retaliation, a tactic this company is known for but is good at making hard to prove in a state that just doesn’t care much in the first place. Any advice would be immensely helpful!!

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