
Unpleased with my job. Salary decreased the week after I got an increase.

Title says it all. I've been viewing this sub for what feels like years now, and I read the stories of everyone being shit on and I add my little 2 cents here and there but I guess now it's my turn to get fucked over by my job. This isn't even the worst thing they've done to me, this is just the final nail in the coffin. 3 years ago, My lead tech retired. There was only me and him, at the time. My bosses knew I was good for the job, my lead tech knew I was good for the job. I was a tech 1 at the time (lowest possible) and they chose to hire outside of the company and didn't even look at my application or consider it. They hired some guy for $24/h while I was making $16.50. I trained this guy over the years…

Title says it all. I've been viewing this sub for what feels like years now, and I read the stories of everyone being shit on and I add my little 2 cents here and there but I guess now it's my turn to get fucked over by my job. This isn't even the worst thing they've done to me, this is just the final nail in the coffin.

3 years ago, My lead tech retired. There was only me and him, at the time. My bosses knew I was good for the job, my lead tech knew I was good for the job. I was a tech 1 at the time (lowest possible) and they chose to hire outside of the company and didn't even look at my application or consider it. They hired some guy for $24/h while I was making $16.50.

I trained this guy over the years on how we run our building, did his work orders for him because he was completely computer illiterate. Meanwhile, I was taking on all of the special projects, I was on call the most and even when he was on call he would call me to ask me what to do, I was the direct contact when our boss was on vacation for 14 different sites, I did fucking everything. I would come in and he would be steam cleaning floors or painting a Ballard or any small tech 1 project while I busted my ass managing and setting up other buildings security badging systems, dealing with contractors, handling all of our work orders and PM's, etc.

2 months ago, he tells me he is leaving. He tells me he spoke with the bosses and that he put in a good word for me and that I really deserve the job position. And they finally decided that it was my time to get the tech 3 position.

I got a call from HR explaining to me that I was selected for the tech 3 position at a whopping $24/h, this was a 6 dollar pay increase from where I was when the change happened ($18/h) but even then, I was being bumped to $19 to fit market competitiveness after 7 years of being below market competition or w/e. so we'll say a $5 dollar raise. Huge. I absolutely accept the offer and everything is going smoothly. This all happened last week.

Well, I get in to work yesterday and My boss calls me to his office. He doesn't look too happy so I know it's gonna be bad. He tells me that his boss “crunched the numbers” and that my pay was increased too much, so they are taking $2/h off of my hourly pay. I didn't say anything, I was in shock at the fact that they did this. I just nodded and said cool, the conversation ended, what ever…

I wouldn't have even been mad if the offered me the job at $22/h. it's the fact that they spit in my god damn face and got my hopes up for $24. I had to go through the hiring process all over again, I had to submit resumes and do interviews. Everything said $24/h. I have written paperwork stating that the pay starts at $24/h. And then as soon as they hire me on they pull this shit.

And they do it because they CAN. The other tech 3's were hired on at $24/h. but what do they have to lose when lowballing me? If I turn the position down, I'm still working a tech 3 position only I'm making $19/h and called a tech 1 now.

My wife got a job offer starting out at 70k minimum in another state, her boss really wants her to take the position. At first when hearing this, I was hesitant. A lot of that was because I was worried about finding work for myself. At this point, I'm over this job. that 70k cant come quicker. I can't wait to leave this fucking place, not train anyone for the shit that I'm doing, and hope this place suffers. All because they've chosen to fuck me over every chance they got.

TL;DR: Job offered me a nice pay increase, I accepted it. After going through the process and getting it signed, they decided it was too much and took away $4,000 annual pay. They chose to fuck me specifically because I have no leverage.

/end rant.

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