
Unskilled yet educated workers are overpaid and skilled yet undereducated workers are underpaid

I work as a dishwasher and I make 50 cents over minimum wage. I actually love my job, it can be stressful but I find it fun and even abit theraputic at times, but I definately feel like I deserve more as it is hard work and involves both physical and mental skill. I am pretty smart and good at picking up new skills but I never bothered with post secondary education, my only formal education is having graduated high school so that limits me to fairly low paying jobs, but how much do you actually “learn” in college or university? It's really just a bunch of gatekeeping imo, keep the poor poor and allow the rich to rise. People can make like 2 or 3 times more than me just sitting at a desk browsing facebook while answering the occasional phone call in a white collar office job simply…

I work as a dishwasher and I make 50 cents over minimum wage. I actually love my job, it can be stressful but I find it fun and even abit theraputic at times, but I definately feel like I deserve more as it is hard work and involves both physical and mental skill.

I am pretty smart and good at picking up new skills but I never bothered with post secondary education, my only formal education is having graduated high school so that limits me to fairly low paying jobs, but how much do you actually “learn” in college or university? It's really just a bunch of gatekeeping imo, keep the poor poor and allow the rich to rise.

People can make like 2 or 3 times more than me just sitting at a desk browsing facebook while answering the occasional phone call in a white collar office job simply because they paid a bunch of money to spend 4 years at an institution to recieve a piece of paper, and yet many of these people aren't even really that skilled, they were just priviliged and because of that they landed an easy job that basically allows them to get paid for mostly doing nothing.

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