
Unsure if quitting was the best option.

Fisrt of all, hello everyone, i've been lurking here for about a year, and as the title says i wanted to get an opinion about a job i left a while ago… Before i got this job i had no car, had only high school done (quit college) and was broke, i had been looking for a job for 2.5 years, but with bad public transport and no car, every interview felt hopeless, until my mother tells me of this couple i've known my whole life that was hiring at their gas station, so i went there, and the work hours allowed my mom to take me there and pick me up, + they new me for 20 yrs and right away said yes… Fast foward 2 months, i'm not happy working there because it feels like the workplace in not organized correctly, lots of mistakes constantly happen “just because”,…

Fisrt of all, hello everyone, i've been lurking here for about a year, and as the title says i wanted to get an opinion about a job i left a while ago…

Before i got this job i had no car, had only high school done (quit college) and was broke, i had been looking for a job for 2.5 years, but with bad public transport and no car, every interview felt hopeless, until my mother tells me of this couple i've known my whole life that was hiring at their gas station, so i went there, and the work hours allowed my mom to take me there and pick me up, + they new me for 20 yrs and right away said yes…

Fast foward 2 months, i'm not happy working there because it feels like the workplace in not organized correctly, lots of mistakes constantly happen “just because”, and i start looking for alternatives on the side but just to kill time, until my boss one day calls me up and says “we have a situation”…

He states that the company that they franchise for cannot pay my salary since there was an error with my files with social security (idk what to really call this tbh) and says he'll fire me to keep this off the books and will be paying me HALF of my salary until things are fixed, and at first i agree, since i know, trust them, and know they mean no harm. BUT THEN i checked and this error was 3 yrs old and i had no way to know prior to this, so i realised this could take months to fix and i started pondering and realised “i'm not going to be working 40hrs week to recieve half of what i'm owed, even if i got nothing else going on right now, i prefer to take my chances”, and so i consulted my family and ALL OF THEM said to stay there and wait rather than leaving, and so i called my boss next day and said “i'm leaving in a month if the issue isn't fixed”…

He got super mad and didn't talk to me for a week, at the end of that month they asked me to do more 15 days or so, to which i agreed to help them sort a new guy in, and then when i am about to leave my boss brings up the money i'm owed, and i imagine it's about 1 month worth of salary since i kept this up for almost 2 months, and it was… but with a twist that pissed me the fck off so much that i never wanna see that guy's face ever again… his wife had put the money on a desk, and the value was what i was owed + benefits which amounted to about 150€, so my boss takes the money, takes the 150 into his pocket, then checks the accounting notebook looking for any slight errors (which were justified and resolved weeks earlier) and takes another 25 or so €, all of this done IN MY FACE and gives me the rest, then he just says “You were not employed so i don't have to give you the benefits of an employee”.

I never talked to them again, it's been a year and half, i've gotten another job a while ago, got a car with what i made there and i'm moving foward with my goals slowly but surely.

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