
Until the massive monopolies are broken up, life will not get better for anyone who is not obscenely wealthy

Fair pay, fair treatment, being able to live a non miserable existence. These would be great. Imagine going to your job, busting your ass and being paid appropriately and even being genuinely valued and appreciated for it. This used to happen for many people. Now, a small cabal of mega corporations own everything and every major brand. Should a smaller company start to gain steam, one of the larger companies just eats them. New smaller companies cannot compete with production or pricing against the monsters that control the market. Those at the top can continue to treat their employees like garbage and charge whatever they like. There is no competition. The market is cornered. We need to break up the big guys, support all the small businesses that are treating their employees properly and force a better life for everyone. It’s pretty damn hard to do though when everything in…

Fair pay, fair treatment, being able to live a non miserable existence. These would be great.

Imagine going to your job, busting your ass and being paid appropriately and even being genuinely valued and appreciated for it. This used to happen for many people.

Now, a small cabal of mega corporations own everything and every major brand. Should a smaller company start to gain steam, one of the larger companies just eats them.
New smaller companies cannot compete with production or pricing against the monsters that control the market. Those at the top can continue to treat their employees like garbage and charge whatever they like. There is no competition. The market is cornered.

We need to break up the big guys, support all the small businesses that are treating their employees properly and force a better life for everyone. It’s pretty damn hard to do though when everything in the store isle you need is owned by terrible companies.

I think the first step to better work environments is breaking up the monopolies. Until that happens, I don’t think anything will ever change.

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