
UP TO $15 a hour

My 17 year applied for Dunkin Donuts , she was so exited b/c the job ad claimed to be paying “15/hr” so when she got called back for an interview she was elated! I didn’t want to burst her bubble but I knew that $15/hr at Dunkin just didn’t sound right… so I told her that they may not her offer her that much . She went in for interview, and asked about the pay rate. The manager proceeded to tell her that the ad meant “up to 15/hr” so her hourly wage would have been 8.50/hr but they receive tips that can “potentially “ be the equivalent of $15/hr. I seriously doubt people are tipping the Dunkin cashiers that much! She didn’t take the job… Target offered to start her at $11.00 so she went with that.

My 17 year applied for Dunkin Donuts , she was so exited b/c the job ad claimed to be paying “15/hr” so when she got called back for an interview she was elated! I didn’t want to burst her bubble but I knew that $15/hr at Dunkin just didn’t sound right… so I told her that they may not her offer her that much .
She went in for interview, and asked about the pay rate. The manager proceeded to tell her that the ad meant “up to 15/hr” so her hourly wage would have been 8.50/hr but they receive tips that can “potentially “ be the equivalent of $15/hr. I seriously doubt people are tipping the Dunkin cashiers that much! She didn’t take the job… Target offered to start her at $11.00 so she went with that.

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