
Upcoming AMA With Detritus Books

Detritus Books recent release, Never Work, includes essays which cover some of the broad history of the antiwork movement. You can find a copy of the book here: In the near future we will have an AMA (Ask Me Anything) with a member of Detritus Books. If you have questions on the book, or on post-left and anarchist thought in general, and how it relates to antiwork, this will be a great AMA for you! The date of the AMA is still to be determined. We'd like to give anyone who wants to buy the book time to read it. (And perhaps some of these essays will be part of future antiwork bookclubs as well) From the book: “This culture is a death machine, and work is its power supply. Far too many of us have been sacrificed at the altar of profit, convinced that our exploitation is the…

Detritus Books recent release, Never Work, includes essays which cover some of the broad history of the antiwork movement.

You can find a copy of the book here:

In the near future we will have an AMA (Ask Me Anything) with a member of Detritus Books. If you have questions on the book, or on post-left and anarchist thought in general, and how it relates to antiwork, this will be a great AMA for you! The date of the AMA is still to be determined. We'd like to give anyone who wants to buy the book time to read it. (And perhaps some of these essays will be part of future antiwork bookclubs as well)

From the book:

“This culture is a death machine, and work is its power supply. Far too many of us have been sacrificed at the altar of profit, convinced that our exploitation is the only way to live in this world. We toil through blood, sweat, and tears, so that bosses, landlords, bankers, and merchants may wreak havoc on the land that we cannot survive without.

All this work has produced a world in which we trade our ability to take care of ourselves (and others!) for a dependence on people that don't care about us, who have no investment in our survival, or our wellbeing. All this work has transformed a vibrant living world into a world consumed by death, where those who would merely live, are crushed by alarm clocks, time clocks, conveyor belts, data centers…mindless machinery all.

Work or die is a threat presented as a choice. A few people claim to own the world. When we do not permit them to reap what we sow, they send their lackeys to starve us, imprison us, even kill us. They have succeeded in convincing many people that work is freedom, that it is good for us to toil so that they may profit. Yet from the first day they levied this threat, we have resisted.”

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