
Update got fired over a doctor’s note

So a few weeks to a month ago I posted about how I got fired for not being able to afford to get a doctor's note. Well I applied for ei after it and went out applying for jobs because it takes up to a month for ei to come in. I got a job 2 weeks after all this it's a lower pay but it's a much better job with benefits for my daughter, my fiancee and I. It's not weather dependant so I have much better hours and earn more than I was working for a job where I got paid more. Thanks for the advice and place to rant.

So a few weeks to a month ago I posted about how I got fired for not being able to afford to get a doctor's note. Well I applied for ei after it and went out applying for jobs because it takes up to a month for ei to come in. I got a job 2 weeks after all this it's a lower pay but it's a much better job with benefits for my daughter, my fiancee and I. It's not weather dependant so I have much better hours and earn more than I was working for a job where I got paid more. Thanks for the advice and place to rant.

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