
UPDATE: How many red flags until you jump ship?

I got a few people asking to update my previous post (see here). There was agreement that I needed to find a new job STAT. What happened with this sinking ship? My paycheck bounced. I immediately called them and they apologized, said it wouldn't happen again, wired money directly into my bank (no mention of insufficient funds fees or any other compensation for the chaos they called), and blamed it on changes in HR. In the next two weeks, things got even worse. Morale was awful because other people had their checks bounced. A few people quit. Then I got notified from my bank that my next paycheck bounced again. And after a few calls, I wasn't the only one AGAIN. I called the head of HR, chewed out her voicemail, and told them I wasn't coming back. No, not quitting. But I'm not working for free. I got a…

I got a few people asking to update my previous post (see here). There was agreement that I needed to find a new job STAT.

What happened with this sinking ship?

My paycheck bounced. I immediately called them and they apologized, said it wouldn't happen again, wired money directly into my bank (no mention of insufficient funds fees or any other compensation for the chaos they called), and blamed it on changes in HR.

In the next two weeks, things got even worse. Morale was awful because other people had their checks bounced. A few people quit. Then I got notified from my bank that my next paycheck bounced again. And after a few calls, I wasn't the only one AGAIN.

I called the head of HR, chewed out her voicemail, and told them I wasn't coming back. No, not quitting. But I'm not working for free.

I got a call the next morning saying they were going to fix this. I wasn't having it. My contract said I would get paid on specific dates and they violated that twice. I came in a few days later to finish some legally required aspects of my job. I was told they would pay me for the bounced check the next day and my last paycheck that weekend. I was paid neither of those days.

We are now almost two months later and I still haven't been paid. When I email them to ask a status on my pay, they ignore it and just respond with telling me I need to sign a contract saying I won't sue them, won't say anything bad about them, nor apply for unemployment. Also, the contract leaves it open that they can still sue me and if they do I have to pay for their attorney. They make vague threats like “We totally could sue you for breaching your contract, but we're being polite and respectful.” I'll get an email every few days saying “Hey, let's get you paid. Have you signed the contract yet?” I got fed up eventually and told them it was extortion. They denied it because… well they changed the subject when pushed further.

The replacement they hired? Started on a Monday, walked out on a Friday. They're threatening to sue the replacement too.

I didn't get 4 weeks of paychecks, 6 months of bonuses my contract had listed, and my 401K is empty. I have an attorney now. I told her everything and she had to stop me every few minutes to say, “But, they can't do that!” She's contacted them this week and we will see what is next. Turns out that in my state if they don't pay me my last paycheck on the next scheduled payday then I can sue them for an extra 50% of what they owe me with a special clause that if it is egregious or this isn't their first offense then it jumps to 100% extra.

Oh, and on Monday, I got a bill from them for $1000 because of some work they did for me when I still was employed (but apparently not being paid). What they did for me was a requirement for the job and nobody else had to pay for it. So effin' petty.

If anyone there is reading this, I hope you enjoy the lawsuit.

Everyone else, don't trust anyone in management. Ever.

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