
UPDATE: HR Investigation Opened on My Entire Leadership Team

This is an update about this post and my entire leadership team’s HR investigation. You can see my original post about the issue here. After they spoke to my leadership team, everything got kinda strange. Slowly, my projects have been taken over and my responsibilities reduced, and no one updated me at all along the way. When I asked for updates or informed my supervisor about how they started treating me even worse, she would just say, “Just do what you can, and don’t let it get to you. Changes are coming.” Well, changes came today. After all of this mess, the anxiety about speaking out, dealing with subtle backlash, everything, I finally had a follow-up meeting with HR. The conclusion? They’re moving ME out of the department because it was “too difficult for me to work with so many moving pieces and communicate with so many people.” They came…

This is an update about this post and my entire leadership team’s HR investigation.

You can see my original post about the issue here.

After they spoke to my leadership team, everything got kinda strange. Slowly, my projects have been taken over and my responsibilities reduced, and no one updated me at all along the way. When I asked for updates or informed my supervisor about how they started treating me even worse, she would just say, “Just do what you can, and don’t let it get to you. Changes are coming.”

Well, changes came today. After all of this mess, the anxiety about speaking out, dealing with subtle backlash, everything, I finally had a follow-up meeting with HR. The conclusion? They’re moving ME out of the department because it was “too difficult for me to work with so many moving pieces and communicate with so many people.”

They came with 0 answers about how my concerns are being addressed. The COO even went out of her way to ask me directly what’s going on, and everyone seemed to actually care. The only feedback they had for me about this whole situation is “communicate better” and “leave your personal life at home.” The ladder part likely referring to me opening up to one of the leadership members in question over lunch when they asked me a personal question.

I don’t understand why they made such a huge deal out of it and encouraged me to talk about everything if they were going to side with their friends anyways.

So yeah, this company is garbage, and I will be looking for other employment.

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