
UPDATE: I lost my leg in an accident at work and today I was expecting my settlement..

I wanted to throw up an update even though my post isn’t 24 hours old yet. I don’t know if either post will be locked or deleted by me or not but the harassment I’m getting is bullshit. If you think I’m a scammer because I delete posts or you think my post isn’t real…ok? I’m not giving out personal info and I’m not sending you a pic of my leg for your fetish. I’m not asking for anything. Read that again, I’m not asking for anything. Now for the update.. A lawyer has agreed to take my case and I found out OSHA was not notified so everyone telling me to sue and get millions…that might actually fucking happen. To everyone asking “why didn’t you get a lawyer immediately”…my answer is why would I? Not my job and above my pay grade. I’ll elaborate. I worked with the company…

I wanted to throw up an update even though my post isn’t 24 hours old yet. I don’t know if either post will be locked or deleted by me or not but the harassment I’m getting is bullshit. If you think I’m a scammer because I delete posts or you think my post isn’t real…ok? I’m not giving out personal info and I’m not sending you a pic of my leg for your fetish. I’m not asking for anything. Read that again, I’m not asking for anything. Now for the update..

A lawyer has agreed to take my case and I found out OSHA was not notified so everyone telling me to sue and get millions…that might actually fucking happen. To everyone asking “why didn’t you get a lawyer immediately”…my answer is why would I? Not my job and above my pay grade. I’ll elaborate.

I worked with the company for years. There is a strict chain of command policy that workers report anything to the boss and the boss takes it from there. That is his job, not mine. I was told I would keep my job, receive a third of my income as disability, be able to KEEP MY HEALTHCARE INSURANCE, and was told I’d have a job waiting for me that I could successfully do with my injury once I recovered. I have paid 0 towards medical and am waiting on my new fitted leg but the padding isn't covered. It was enough for me at the time so I agreed. I never once thought they would screw me over or drag this out. I thought they would do their jobs.

I was told on or before March 14th was the longest the investigation would take. I thought it would be way quicker than that and was told it was a possibility it could be sooner. Looking back now, I was an idiot for not checking with OSHA but I didn’t think I had to. All work accidents need to be investigated. I had the date March 14th engraved into my brain so until that date passed, I didn’t think anything of it. I got busy relearning to walk and getting divorced.

Please stop getting so worked up and remember I'm living this, you aren't. Yes, I'm pissed and a fucking ignorant fool. I don't need to keep being reminded. Things are in the right direction now, I have a lawyer.

And yes, I'll keep blocking every single harassing user in my inbox.

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