
Update: I moved 1.5hrs away from home for work. They cut my hours down to 15/week. I submitted my resignation today. I got a job offer for a dream job at a small business. It pays $4/hr more than my old job, plus potential for tips over that amount. I submit my resignation letter to my employer today. I gave them 13 days notice. Not that I wanted to give notice, but I gave notice for a few reasons. Anywho, when I submitted my letter, and told my boss I will be resigning on 7/29, his first question was, “Will you still be in the area?” I said yes, I am looking to move to a city apartment. He asked how much the apartment cost, and I said, “it’s expensive but I can afford it with the new job”. He then said, “well… thanks for the letter. I guess. I’ve had worse before.” I bet you guys anything that they will still try to get one shift a week out…

I got a job offer for a dream job at a small business. It pays $4/hr more than my old job, plus potential for tips over that amount.

I submit my resignation letter to my employer today. I gave them 13 days notice. Not that I wanted to give notice, but I gave notice for a few reasons.

Anywho, when I submitted my letter, and told my boss I will be resigning on 7/29, his first question was, “Will you still be in the area?” I said yes, I am looking to move to a city apartment. He asked how much the apartment cost, and I said, “it’s expensive but I can afford it with the new job”. He then said, “well… thanks for the letter. I guess. I’ve had worse before.”

I bet you guys anything that they will still try to get one shift a week out of me after the 29th. Which, it’s a seasonal job, so that would only be about 6 shifts, but that’s not the point. At this point, I just can’t have a good attitude with them so I will be peacefully making my exit on the 29th.

I’ve learned my final lesson about employer sponsored housing. I should hear back on my apartment application this Monday. Move in is September. I submitted for my (new) industry certs yesterday/today and should hear back in a week and a half or so. Almost free.

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