
Update: Is being available from 8am-5pm weekdays via Teams considered “on call” for a part time employee?

Thank you everyone for your advice and input on this issue. I spoke to the woman's whose role I'm transitioning into yesterday. When I asked her about being on call and her experience with it, she said she was able to “negotiate” being on call down to checking into Teams 1x an hour and responding to any messages she saw at that time and/or sending a “I've seen this and will get back to you at this time” to any messages that pinged in. I told her that still felt on call to me, even if I was “only” checking in one time an hour. I told her about my idea to tell my boss “here is my schedule and I'll respond to messages during my scheduled hours but otherwise I'm offline.” She was not optimistic that my boss would go for it. She said, “so boss doesn't think checking…

Thank you everyone for your advice and input on this issue. I spoke to the woman's whose role I'm transitioning into yesterday. When I asked her about being on call and her experience with it, she said she was able to “negotiate” being on call down to checking into Teams 1x an hour and responding to any messages she saw at that time and/or sending a “I've seen this and will get back to you at this time” to any messages that pinged in.

I told her that still felt on call to me, even if I was “only” checking in one time an hour. I told her about my idea to tell my boss “here is my schedule and I'll respond to messages during my scheduled hours but otherwise I'm offline.” She was not optimistic that my boss would go for it. She said, “so boss doesn't think checking in once an hour is on call…but yeah, it's not like I'm getting paid to check in.” It's wild to me that it is necessary to send a message saying I've seen a request from a teammate. Of course I'll see it, they sent it! In my opinion nothing in this position is THAT urgent.

I meet with my boss tomorrow and would love any other ideas or input anyone has. I spent some time yesterday looking up on call policies within the company and legally and I'll be honest, I couldn't find much. Any help or advice would be much appreciated as I'm riddled with anxiety for my meeting tomorrow.

See original post here.

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