
Update: My boss who wrongfully towed my car has been placed on leave and won’t be returning to work. However, I will not receive any compensation for any of the trouble he caused.

This is kind of a bittersweet post, more sour than anything. I'll of course be continuing going after the company legally. My boss who lied and wrongfully got my car towed and impounded, requiring me to pay to get it out, will not be coming back to work according to my AL leader, who then immediately followed up with “hopefully when you come to work TOMORROW, you'll be in a better environment” which was not the response I was expecting. He must be crazy. Oddly, the police didn't have to do anything and my boss left when asked, though they are still here so I'm not sure what that's about. But I just spent some time talking with my AL about the situation, and regarding my compensation/reimbursement. I was given the runaround. I will NOT be compensated at all by the company for the towing charge of 105, I will…

This is kind of a bittersweet post, more sour than anything. I'll of course be continuing going after the company legally.

My boss who lied and wrongfully got my car towed and impounded, requiring me to pay to get it out, will not be coming back to work according to my AL leader, who then immediately followed up with “hopefully when you come to work TOMORROW, you'll be in a better environment” which was not the response I was expecting. He must be crazy.

Oddly, the police didn't have to do anything and my boss left when asked, though they are still here so I'm not sure what that's about. But I just spent some time talking with my AL about the situation, and regarding my compensation/reimbursement.

I was given the runaround. I will NOT be compensated at all by the company for the towing charge of 105, I will not be compensated for my car being held hostage by the impound, I will not be compensated for my bosses current and previous behavior, I will not be compensated for being mistreated despite not having one complaint or write-up since I started working for this company. It's clear this organization is foul.

But my AL did give me something himself as a……..gesture I suppose. Want to know what he gave me? He gave me a drink from the vending machine, a bottle of tea, which I don't drink btw. he just chose a random thing and said “here have a drink on me, we'll make sure this won't happen again.” and told me to report future issues to his email.

Ironically, him giving this to me was an attempt to resolve the issue through a shortcut, which I won't accept.

Yep, that's allllllll I get, all I got was a bottle of Tea out of this whole entire thing. It looks like I'm going to have to continue going through the legal process with lawyers to get real compensation out of this whole thing, which will unfortunately take awhile. I know this company clearly does not give a crap about employees, but this is almost the same as spitting in my face at this point.

While I'm still applying or jobs, I can't possibly continue to work here without being sick to my stomach, especially since I'm going after the company legally for both the actions of my boss, and them trying to sneak away from giving me a real resolution. But I also can't afford to just walk out, but I came up with something.

So I talked with landlords(s) about this issue and saw that one person had a listing looking for a roommate, so after contacting this tenant, I convinced them to downgrade me from my current apartment, to moving into their unit so we can split the rent and I won't have to pay for a full unit (I don't have much stuff anyway).

This will allow me to work my Uber side-job FULLTIME instead of parttime, which will allow me to leave this company hopefully by Monday. Uber fulltime will give me (relatively) greater flexibility and better freedom to manage my time, and I'll also be paying lower rent making Uber earnings enough to keep myself going. It will be easier to keep applying for better jobs, without having to continue to work there.

It will also make it MUCH easier to go after them legally which I am currently working on with representation. Since I won't be working for the company anymore soon, I won't have a dagger over my head wondering if they'll retaliate or do something sneaky. Now I can pursue them freely and hopefully hold them accountable.

So this issue isn't 100% resolved yet, as getting my car back and the boss no longer working for the company don't really resolve the lack of compensation for everything I was put through, including having to pay a tow fee to get my car out of Impound which they will NOT cover, but 2/3 isn't bad so far.

In the future, I will update if there's any progress against the company legally. I also hope I will finally get an interview after all these applications and get a decent paying job. Or Uber raises wag- haha, they won't do that. But thanks to those who reached out and gave helpful advice or encouragement, I really appreciate it. I'm hoping to leave this company behind me (outside of court) by Monday hopeful.

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