
Update: My employer’s nephew is graduating in 6 months. After a meeting with my boss, she stated in a politically correct way that I do not need anything on paper for me to stay at my job. She told me to have faith in God again.

I've been working for over 20 years and I'm tired of losing my job because of nepotism. Last week I posted about finding out my employer's nephew is graduating in 6 months and may take my job. For the past 5 years, I've worked hard to grow the business I'm working for. It's disappointing needing to leave my job again because some kid is going to take my job. The exact same situation happened about 8 years ago at another office I worked at. Both times the offices kept it from me that their young ones were going into the same job. My old employer's son graduated and I was laid off a few weeks after his son finished school. Last week, people from this sub suggested I ask my employer if she could put something in writing about me staying with the office. I had a meeting with my…

I've been working for over 20 years and I'm tired of losing my job because of nepotism. Last week I posted about finding out my employer's nephew is graduating in 6 months and may take my job. For the past 5 years, I've worked hard to grow the business I'm working for. It's disappointing needing to leave my job again because some kid is going to take my job. The exact same situation happened about 8 years ago at another office I worked at. Both times the offices kept it from me that their young ones were going into the same job. My old employer's son graduated and I was laid off a few weeks after his son finished school.

Last week, people from this sub suggested I ask my employer if she could put something in writing about me staying with the office. I had a meeting with my boss in her office last week and asked in a professional way if she would consider drafting paperwork so I could have more security. I was told the same thing:

“There's nothing to worry about. God will take care of you.”

My job is to help others. I've sacrificed 20 years of my life to help others and it's been soul sucking. I'm tired of being lied to and am considering changing my career and possibly starting my own business. Don't tell me that a higher power will take care of me. Plenty of good people have bad things happen to them so I trust myself than someone up in the sky.

I met with a lawyer last week and discussed my options. From my long history with the current job, I knew that something was inconsistent with their accounting. I brought evidence to my lawyer and a forensic accountant about the inconsistencies and they said I have a case that could bankrupt the company. My case and a report to the Department of Labor will trigger a 40 year audit. Not only will I be getting more money, other former workers will be entitled to more as well.

I had my lawyer's office serve my boss today. We'll see what happens and how the office reacts. I decided to not go in today and have a few interviews lined up regarding a new career. I am done being thought of as a patsy. If my employer asks me why I did this, I'll say.

“Don't worry. God will take care of you.”

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