
Update – Not senior enough to be promoted but senior enough to train the new senior person

Original post : Not senior enough to be promoted but senior enough to train the new senior person English is not my first language. I followed your advices and I resigned the following week! When I gave my 2 weeks notice, my boss was really surprised, she didn’t expect I would take such a radical decision over a job title. She told me that everyone in the company knows that I’m doing a great job and this was the most important. That I shouldn’t care about it. When she saw I was serious about my resignation, she offered to change my job title but not my salary because I got a merit increase this year. I said no, I don’t want this type of “promotion”. I needed recognition for all the hard work done these past 2 years and hiring someone externally for a senior position to do the same…

Original post : Not senior enough to be promoted but senior enough to train the new senior person

English is not my first language.

I followed your advices and I resigned the following week! When I gave my 2 weeks notice, my boss was really surprised, she didn’t expect I would take such a radical decision over a job title. She told me that everyone in the company knows that I’m doing a great job and this was the most important. That I shouldn’t care about it. When she saw I was serious about my resignation, she offered to change my job title but not my salary because I got a merit increase this year. I said no, I don’t want this type of “promotion”. I needed recognition for all the hard work done these past 2 years and hiring someone externally for a senior position to do the same job was a real slap in my face.
So I worked my 2 weeks notice and I gave a shitty training to the new senior person. In the meantime, I found another job in a big company, paying better with less work and less stress. It’s been a month now but I have no regrets.

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