I posted recently about how the manager for my business group decided to take away a quarterly bonus that we had met the predetermined goals for. After making that post I did more digging on promisory estoppel and decided to make a complaint to the labor legal department at my company. I immediately was rebounded to HR, but I further explained the nature of my complaint to HR and they said they would go back to legal to escalate the issue. After about (two weeks now?) I finally heard back… And guess what?? We got our bonus back! HR said they had to coach the manager about making exception cases clearer from the beginning and he had to send out an email to 900 people saying he was wrong and that we would all get our $1000 bonus. I was apparently the first to complain, but many others complained after me. This is really just a small victory, but I felt empowered to make a stink because of subs like this and the comments on my post. I still hate my job and everything, but damn it felt good to read the email where he had to walk everything back. I wish I could have been there when they told him he f'd up!