
Update on Fuck my job and also FUCK my boss post from yesterday

I pulled emails from HR where HR said CEO was grateful for my work and agreed I deserved recognition or reward for everything. I highlighted where HR said they weren't sure when or how much, and I asked what changed in less than a month as far as my value at the company goes (since my new CSuite boss thinks I don't deserve my salary). HR and I squabbled before they informed me they will be hiring a senior level version of me following a conference call with new CSuite boss and CEO. HR also mentioned that new CSUITE will be sitting with me next week to learn my tasks. HR posted the job listing within ten minutes of emailing me. Does anyone want to take bets on how long I have until they fire my ass for not working extra for free? Should I let them fire me, or…

I pulled emails from HR where HR said CEO was grateful for my work and agreed I deserved recognition or reward for everything. I highlighted where HR said they weren't sure when or how much, and I asked what changed in less than a month as far as my value at the company goes (since my new CSuite boss thinks I don't deserve my salary). HR and I squabbled before they informed me they will be hiring a senior level version of me following a conference call with new CSuite boss and CEO. HR also mentioned that new CSUITE will be sitting with me next week to learn my tasks. HR posted the job listing within ten minutes of emailing me.

Does anyone want to take bets on how long I have until they fire my ass for not working extra for free?

Should I let them fire me, or should I just get another job before then? I have ADHD and I'm severely depressed and crippled by PTSD as it relates to an upcoming court case where I send my dad to jail for strangling me. Genuinely trying to get a plan together while the plan parts of my brain aren't cooperating

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