
Update on the Coffee Machine Mold

Original Post I got sent home from having a major allergic reaction. Then i got COVID a couple of days later. It sucked and I'm fully vaccinated and no i did not get paid for that leave. I am now looking for a new job asap after developing worsening POTS symptoms and passing out at work, being told I'm lazy for accommodating myself so this doesn't happen, getting sexually harassed and it getting swept under the rug even after HR report just like the blatant racism from my coworkers IN FRONT OF MY BOSS mind you. Ive had to advocate for myself more than I'd like to in this job. I've had to be tell my boss that I shouldn't have to be the one to stand up for my black coworkers and women coworkers. To top it off someone who works 10x harder and more than me gets paid…

Original Post

I got sent home from having a major allergic reaction. Then i got COVID a couple of days later. It sucked and I'm fully vaccinated and no i did not get paid for that leave.

I am now looking for a new job asap after developing worsening POTS symptoms and passing out at work, being told I'm lazy for accommodating myself so this doesn't happen, getting sexually harassed and it getting swept under the rug even after HR report just like the blatant racism from my coworkers IN FRONT OF MY BOSS mind you.

Ive had to advocate for myself more than I'd like to in this job. I've had to be tell my boss that I shouldn't have to be the one to stand up for my black coworkers and women coworkers.

To top it off someone who works 10x harder and more than me gets paid 3-4$ less than me. She's worked there 5 years I've worked there less than 3 months.

Idk if I'm overreacting or if I'm just seeing how toxic both literally and figuratively this workplace is, and how much is just swept under the rug and not dealt with.

Its just not worth my stress nor my time, nor my limited energy while I deal with major health issues.

The mold was really just another stone on the ice thin shelf of minimum wage.

Also going to send that picture to the health department on my way out.

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