
Update on workplace sexual harassment

Earlier this month I posted about a creepy text I got from a coworker that screamed sexual harassment. His message was crude and very detailed and very … r-wordy (at least from my perspective). I deleted the post after it gained a lot of traction as I started getting gross messages from strangers here. Anyways, I want to thank everyone so deeply for their help, with your guidance I was able to trap him in admitting to his behaviour and acknowledge he was creepy all in writing. I also turned it all over to HR because the dumbass did this all on company phones. After reading the exchanges, the HR guy said he could actually tell when my text language changed in order to catch him. The advice to wait until after the weekend to respond (the really creepy portion of his message happened after work hours and I did…

Earlier this month I posted about a creepy text I got from a coworker that screamed sexual harassment. His message was crude and very detailed and very … r-wordy (at least from my perspective). I deleted the post after it gained a lot of traction as I started getting gross messages from strangers here.

Anyways, I want to thank everyone so deeply for their help, with your guidance I was able to trap him in admitting to his behaviour and acknowledge he was creepy all in writing. I also turned it all over to HR because the dumbass did this all on company phones.

After reading the exchanges, the HR guy said he could actually tell when my text language changed in order to catch him.

The advice to wait until after the weekend to respond (the really creepy portion of his message happened after work hours and I did not respond at that time)was so helpful and proved I was not engaging with the creep outside of work hours.

Long story short, he will not be able to hurt anyone or creep anyone else out.

Thanks r/antiwork!!

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