
Update – People at my job are mass quitting over poor pay and being overworked, and I’m now proud to be one of them!

Last post made short, I am a low-level manager in a retail store. The store is disgusting, management loves to verbally abuse us calling us worthless, so packed full of freight you can barely shop, most new hires don't even last a month, and everyone stays utterly miserable. I got tired of being called easily replaceable, not enough, and the threats of write-ups constantly. Two days after that post, I scored some interviews but nothing fantastic. Then the one job I was really hoping for called to give me an interview. And I got the job!!! It was a competitor grocery store. I walked in 30 minutes early to scope the place out to because I know what red flags to look for. The place was so clean, like impressively clean. The vibe was so chill, nobody running around like nuts or in tears, the associates didn't look miserable and…

Last post made short, I am a low-level manager in a retail store. The store is disgusting, management loves to verbally abuse us calling us worthless, so packed full of freight you can barely shop, most new hires don't even last a month, and everyone stays utterly miserable. I got tired of being called easily replaceable, not enough, and the threats of write-ups constantly.

Two days after that post, I scored some interviews but nothing fantastic. Then the one job I was really hoping for called to give me an interview. And I got the job!!!

It was a competitor grocery store. I walked in 30 minutes early to scope the place out to because I know what red flags to look for. The place was so clean, like impressively clean. The vibe was so chill, nobody running around like nuts or in tears, the associates didn't look miserable and were relaxed just doing their thing. I met the store manager and we had a lot of good conversation going, he explained the job, and I took it! He told me I had an impressive resume and if I do well, he'll be happy to promote me up if I want to. Even the managers looked happy, they didn't looked stressed out of their mind like everyone at my store, I met several and they were very professional and welcoming. So much culture shock.

I went to my store immediately after and put in my two weeks. Needless to say it didn't go over well as everyone is quitting, 3 managers all quitting the same day and several are following. Over half of the overnight managers are quitting with me. My associates are currently job searching as they are also jumping ship.

My boss is mad and will barely speak to me anymore giving me serious sour grapes, because he knows damn well nobody is going to want to deal with his shit and want my job. He keeps giving me this nasty attitude and it's getting to me. I got a lot of shit my first day after putting in my two weeks. I am seriously considering just outright quitting as I don't need his reference or the money that bad. I'll hang in there for another week and a half if I can just in case, but if I can't or they really piss me off I'll just walk.

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