
Update: remember the boss who was getting served?

Hey guys, it's me again. The artist formerly known as Ellen Pao's lady business. A few weeks ago, I made a huge post about about how I was serving my ridiculously insane former employer with a lawsuit for breaking numerous labour laws in the country I now live in. Well it worked, she got the bejesus scared out of her by just receiving the paperwork and she wants to settle. I served the paperwork the Saturday after I posted while retrieving my personal belongings, and my former coworker was seemingly cool at first. BUT, BOY WAS HE NOT COOL. He ended up sending me an essay the next day that amounted to threats to dissuade me from following through, because he figured it was better to threaten me than take it up with our insane boss. Honestly, at first I was scared, he made threats attempting to invoke my fear…

Hey guys, it's me again. The artist formerly known as Ellen Pao's lady business.

A few weeks ago, I made a huge post about about how I was serving my ridiculously insane former employer with a lawsuit for breaking numerous labour laws in the country I now live in.

Well it worked, she got the bejesus scared out of her by just receiving the paperwork and she wants to settle.

I served the paperwork the Saturday after I posted while retrieving my personal belongings, and my former coworker was seemingly cool at first. BUT, BOY WAS HE NOT COOL. He ended up sending me an essay the next day that amounted to threats to dissuade me from following through, because he figured it was better to threaten me than take it up with our insane boss. Honestly, at first I was scared, he made threats attempting to invoke my fear of her wrath. And for a while it worked. I was so afraid that I nuked the last post and my old Reddit account to avoid the fallout reaching my safe corner of the internet.

Then the day of the first hearing her lawyer showed up, and their only argument was that I was being unfair. That's right, this woman who treated me like that I was less than human said I was being unfair. The woman who as I more recently found out conducted herself in a way that's tantamount to human trafficking, called me unfair.

She wants to make this go away, she doesn't want to have any of this see the light of day.

I have news for her, the consequences of one's actions always catch up with you, it's called Karma. And with this, they're catching up in a big way. And this isn't going away.

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