
Update to my boss eluding to me not getting a raise due to my wife’s epilepsy.

Original post here: The original post was removed because it was a text message screenshot posted outside of Sunday. I initially didn't intend to post an update but some people showed interest so here it is. The text message I received from my boss was on a Monday, I posted my Antiwork thread the same day and got a lot of advice and support from Reddit. The biggest takeaway was to go to HR with the text message from my boss and see what can be done about his behavior. I went into the office the next day and set up a meeting with HR in the afternoon, in the meeting I brought up the text message from my boss and how despite Monday being the compulsory in-office team day, my wife had an epileptic seizure the day prior so I wanted to work from home on Monday to…

Original post here:

The original post was removed because it was a text message screenshot posted outside of Sunday. I initially didn't intend to post an update but some people showed interest so here it is.

The text message I received from my boss was on a Monday, I posted my Antiwork thread the same day and got a lot of advice and support from Reddit. The biggest takeaway was to go to HR with the text message from my boss and see what can be done about his behavior. I went into the office the next day and set up a meeting with HR in the afternoon, in the meeting I brought up the text message from my boss and how despite Monday being the compulsory in-office team day, my wife had an epileptic seizure the day prior so I wanted to work from home on Monday to monitor her condition.

HR read through the text messages, listened to my side of the story, and said they will investigate further and follow up with my boss' boss. We'll call him Andrew and my boss Jim (Not their real names). Fast forward to Thursday, I get a call from Andrew asking if I can come into the office on Friday for a face-to-face meeting regarding what happened. He didn't give any details over the phone but said that it would be easier to sort it out in person.

On Friday, I met with Andrew in the morning when I got in. Andrew apologized for Jim's behavior and said that he would undergo sensitivity training and that disciplinary action was being taken against him. He also said that if I needed to work from home to look after my wife, even on “compulsory in-office” days, it would be fine and no one would ask questions. Hearing this, I was pretty happy with how accommodating Andrew was, I decided to also take the opportunity and ask what the situation surrounding my raise was. Andrew said that he would be personally looking into it but won't be able to give me an answer immediately. The meeting went for about 20 minutes but that was pretty much the condensed version of things.

So things are looking up, I haven't had to interact with Jim since Wednesday. It was like he fell off the face of the planet, his status on Slack is set to “Vacation” so I can only imagine what they got him doing. I'm now torn on whether stay at my current job or to keep looking other jobs as I orignally intended to do. Anyways, thats about it with this update. I'll make another post or edit this one if anything new comes up!

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