
Update to the PIP Saga – Trying to keep my final paycheck hostage

I’m really sorry guys I can’t figure out how to link on mobile but the first 2 are in my history. (sorry I posted the first two to the sales sub but I thought the update might fit here) tl;dr I got put on a PIP and fired the next day for finding me job hunting on Indeed. I got a new and much better offer 2 hours after my old awful employer let me go. Anyway! I get a nasty email from my ex-employer telling me that they’ll give me my check AFTER they receive their equipment (crappy computer), and inspect it and deem that it’s “in good condition” (as if I can control FedEx). They also want me to pay for the shipping as well as insuring this janky old computer for $2,000 AND pay for the packing materials. Guys I am never this assertive but I sent…

I’m really sorry guys I can’t figure out how to link on mobile but the first 2 are in my history. (sorry I posted the first two to the sales sub but I thought the update might fit here)

tl;dr I got put on a PIP and fired the next day for finding me job hunting on Indeed. I got a new and much better offer 2 hours after my old awful employer let me go.


I get a nasty email from my ex-employer telling me that they’ll give me my check AFTER they receive their equipment (crappy computer), and inspect it and deem that it’s “in good condition” (as if I can control FedEx). They also want me to pay for the shipping as well as insuring this janky old computer for $2,000 AND pay for the packing materials.

Guys I am never this assertive but I sent the following email:

Hi owner and HR,

Unfortunately you are not allowed to hold my check hostage. I’ve included final paycheck statute for California and I’ve also included the Louisiana statute code to make you aware.


(Labor laws regarding final paycheck being required to be paid on the date of termination)


(Labor laws regarding final paycheck being required to be paid on the date of termination)

I obviously signed paperwork that I will return your equipment and will be sending everything as soon as I receive a shipping label from you. I’ll meet you halfway and pay for the shipping materials out of pocket.

In addition, you never responded to me about the salary exempt/non exempt question I asked both you and (Manager) about. It’s not a great stretch of the imagination to think that was about docking my pay for medical appointments, while avoiding paying for my unpaid and mandated overtime.

Finally, you may want to advise your management staff not to ask specifically for a diagnosis, that’s a HIPAA violation and illegal in all 50 states.

I await your reply as well as my final paycheck and postage plus the fee for the $2,000 insurance requested for your equipment. Please let me know if I can provide any further clarification.

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